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Somoloco Salsa Immersion

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December 2022

So you want to learn salsa.  Your first instinct will be to find some local dance school and get involved with some group classes.  Thats a great first step. But what happens if you really really want to learn salsa. Like, go to where its alive, learn from people embodying it, be immersed by it, in it, dance every day, etc etc.  Well my friends, I have the answer for you: Colombia! Here's why

If you're looking to improve your salsa skills and have oodles of fun doing it, a salsa bootcamp in Medellin, Colombia might be just what you need. This city is known for its lively salsa scene and has some seriously talented instructors to help you up your game.   Here are a few reasons why a salsa bootcamp in Medellin is a great idea:   Improve your salsa skills: You'll get intensive, live one-on-one personalized training from experienced instructors, so you can focus on learning what you need to learn.

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