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Somoloco Salsa Immersion

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COVID / Somoloco Salsa Immersion Update

Dearest Somoloco Salsa Community,

We’ve been a bit radio silent as of late as we’ve been tracking the COVID situation here in Colombia as well as internationally.  Just when we thought we were in the clear in April/May, COVID variants are abound including our own homegrown Colombian variant.  As much as we would have loved to host public immersions this time of year, particularly during the amazing Flower Festival (Feria de las flores), with the recent spikes in June it just hasn’t felt right yet to be promoting a public trip. The most important thing to us is the health and happiness of our community ❤️


Here’s the good news: while we had a tough June in Colombia with a spike in new COVID cases and deaths, thankfully the numbers have dropped significantly with the rapid vaccination program — over 1/4 of the country is fully vaccinated and that number is growing every week.  And despite it all, Colombia and Medellin remains open.  To stay tuned on the latest COVID situation in Medellin and Colombia, Medellin guru has all of the up-to-date information to stay informed.


So what’s next for Somoloco Salsa Immersions?

We are looking ahead to 2022 and want your help!

We have launched 🔥 Somoloco Salsa Partnerships 🔥 to host immersions for communities of 10 – 40 people starting in 2022 

  • Co-host an unforgettable experience for you and your community 💃🏾
  • Be our business partner for the trip $$$
  • Activate your community, and we’ll do the heavy lifting of hosting the immersion 💪

Whether you are a salsa instructor from NYC, zumba teacher from Miami, yoga teacher from Mumbai, wellness coach from Berlin, or a community activator who wants come co-create an unforgettable salsa experience with us for you and your community, this is a great opportunity to create meaning, joy, and connection with your people while doing well.


Get in touch

Start planning for 2022 with an initial conversation with us.



Wherever you are in the world, we are sending you lots of love, sabor, and buenas vibras 🙂


La Familia de Somoloco Salsa





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