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Somoloco Salsa Immersion

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Top 3 Reasons to Learn Salsa in Colombia!

So you want to learn salsa.  Your first instinct will be to find some local dance school and get involved with some group classes.  Thats a great first step. But what happens if you really really want to learn salsa. Like, go to where its alive, learn from people embodying it, be immersed by it, in it, dance every day, etc etc.  Well my friends, I have the answer for you: Colombia! Here’s why…

3 Reasons to Learn Salsa In Colombia:


  1. Salsa is alive in Colombia: It is a country with a long history of salsa music and dance that has continued to this day. It’s uncommon to meet people who don’t know famed salsa musicians, their famous salsa song lyrics, how to dance salsa, and most of all, that salsa spirit! In Colombia, salsa is more than just a dance – it’s a way of life.   This vibrant salsa culture is the perfect environment for learning and growing as a salsa dancer and a salsero in spirit!
  2. The best people. Colombia is home to some of the sweetest, most fun people in the world IMHO. They embody joy, flavor, and affection — the salsa spirit! It is also home to some of the best teachers in the world. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned dancer, you’ll be able to find a bright, happy, experienced, patient, knowledgeable teacher who can help you improve your skills and take your salsa dancing to the next level.
  3. Affordable: I know I say this over and over again, but to do a salsa immersion / salsa bootcamp the same way we do it in cities like San Francisco, London, or Toronto would cost 5-10x.


Interested in learning more?

Read on about our immersive salsa experience in Medellin, Colombia 🙂

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